1️⃣ One of the coolest areas of health in the last 15 years or so has been the massive amounts of research and interest in the Fascial system.
2️⃣ First popularised by the work of Thomas Myers in studying how ‘connective tissue’ (made of Collagen and Elastin primarily), has far reaching effects on our movement, posture and health in general. He studied the superficial pathways and saw that they connected previously distant muscles but they also seemed to match very similar pathways to the ancient Chinese Medicine meridian pathways. Some, but not all newly developed ‘fascial slings’ gave a more scientific explanation of these ancient meridians mechanisms.

3️⃣ The acupuncture points on each meridian are always located near bundles of nerves, dense fascia, joints and are considered by the nervous system as a ‘Golgi’ receptor due to their ‘fascial properties.’
4️⃣ The fascial system itself is part of the extra-cellular tissue matrix which envelopes the entire outside and inside of the body. Rather than just being dead tissue, this system responds to ‘stretch and movement’ by generating a ‘piezoelectric charge’, that powers our body’s bioelectrical system. The ancient Chinese Medicine practitioners were onto something weren’t they?

5️⃣ When you move, you stimulate the fascial stretch receptors, creating bio-electricity and powering all body systems as these pathways are like the the organs battery packs. So...get moving...