Let's delve into the fascinating case of Taryn, a patient who sought treatment primarily for post-concussion related injuries but also complained of nerve pain in the forearm. This article explores how functional neurological training can shed light on complex conditions and facilitate efficient treatment.

Upon examining Taryn's symptoms, we found that the nerve pain was concentrated along the median nerve tract, which originates around the C6 level of the spine. Both sides of the forearm were affected, prompting us to investigate the neck as a potential source of the issue.
In functional neurology, we understand that the spinal cord carries signals through the vertebral columns, exiting at specific levels.
In Taryn's case, we focused on the C6 and C7 area. To assess the situation, we conducted direct muscle tests, analyzing the biceps, a predominant muscle influenced by the C6 level.
Observing muscle inhibition on both sides, we hypothesized that there might be a causative receptor responsible for the pain signals.

This receptor, acting as the end organ of the nervous system, was still signalling distress even though Taryn's post-concussion injuries had improved over time. Additionally, Taryn had a history of whiplash, which further complicated the situation.

To validate our theory, we attempted a simple rub over the affected area. Remarkably, this anti-stimulus provided momentary relief by masking the receptor's signals to the brain. While this was not a definitive correction, it bolstered our belief that we were on the right track.
Taking a proactive approach, we performed gentle stretches in the C6 area on both sides and corrected using a deep-tendon reflex (P-DTR). The results were promising, as the muscles responded strongly, indicating a positive change. However, we understood that this improvement needed further consolidation to prevent any recurrence of the nerve pain.
In the realm of functional neurology, the challenge lies in identifying all the receptors that may be contributing to the issue. There could be other receptors at play that, if activated or stimulated, might bring back the original problem. Our goal is to minimise the chances of such setbacks and ensure the best possible outcome for the patient.
With careful treatment, Taryn experienced significant improvement, with newfound mobility and restored blood flow in the affected area. The treatment approach tailored to Taryn's unique condition not only addressed the bilateral nerve pain but also mitigated the risks of it resurfacing.
The intricacies of the human body never cease to amaze us, and as practitioners, we recognise that we are continually learning and evolving. While we strive to prevent recurring issues, it's essential to acknowledge the complexity of the human body and its capacity to act in unexpected ways.
Functional neurology offers an enlightening perspective on the body's inner workings, allowing us to navigate seemingly complex conditions with greater efficiency. Our client-centere
d approach, combined with a comprehensive understanding of neural pathways and receptor responses, enables us to target the root cause of the problem effectively.
In conclusion, Taryn's case exemplifies the potential of functional neurology in treating bilateral nerve pain. By identifying and addressing specific receptors in the nervous system, we achieved positive and lasting outcomes for the patient. As we continue our pursuit of knowledge and understanding, we aim to provide the best possible care for our patients, offering them relief and hope for a healthier future.